Working from home can be a great way to get more done and enjoy more time with your pets.
There are many benefits to working from home, but one of the most overlooked is the ability to spend more time with your pet. Pets can provide a lot of comfort and companionship, and they don’t judge you when you decide to take a break!
As well as great companionship, having your pets around when working from home can help you stay focused and contribute towards our overall health and happiness.
Let’s take a closer look at six other benefits of working from home with pets.
They force us to get some exercise
Working from home is a great way to get more work done and have more time for yourself. But it can also be a challenge to stay focused on your work when you are at home all day. Pets are the perfect solution! They force us to take breaks, get some exercise, and leave the desk for a while.
Dogs are a great pet to have anyway, but even more so when you are working from home. Taking them for a walk during your break is a great way to unwind, clear your mind, think more objectively about the work you are focused on and get some exercise.
The Victoria State Government of Australia states that “Dog owners enjoy numerous health and social benefits by walking their dog a few times a week. Benefits include improved cardiovascular fitness, lower blood pressure, stronger muscles and bones (built up by walking regularly), and decreased stress.”
You might not own a dog, but even smaller pets like hamsters can give us a good reason to get up from our desks during our working day to walk around the house and feed our pets.
They make us more productive
Working from home is a great opportunity, but it still requires a certain level of discipline. Pets can be a great incentive to take breaks which in turn helps us to stay productive throughout the day. tell us “Taking breaks at work does increase productivity, even if machines and computers are idle for a few minutes. The short time away gives employees the chance to stretch tired muscles, find relief from sustained positions and postures and retain any information they might have learned in the last hour or so.”
Kim, Park and Niu (2016) research found it is important to take mini-breaks throughout the working day. Mini-breaks help to support your wellbeing and increase productivity
They help us forget about work
Pets provide those little breaks in between our work hours. They help us forget about the stress of the day and live in the moment for a little bit. They give us the opportunity to take a break from our screens and get some fresh air.
We often forget about our breaks when we work from home because we have an increased tendency to get busy or stuck on something for hours on end without realizing that the break time has already passed us by, thus overlooking the benefits of taking a break and boosting our productivity and mood at the same time.
With a pet around, we get a constant reminder of our work-life balance.
They give us a sense of fun at work
Pets are great stress-relievers. They are the perfect company for people who have to work from home, as they provide fun and entertainment.
It is well known that working from home can be boring and even stressful. It is hard to stay productive and the lack of human interaction may cause people to lose focus.
However, by adding some furry friends in the workplace, it can provide a person with fun and interactive moments as they play with their pet. A lot of people who work from home find this as an opportunity to take a break and just unwind with their pet for a few minutes before they go back to work again.
They provide company
Working from home can be a lonely experience. It is hard to find company and the work environment is not as stimulating as it would be in an office. Pets can provide us with company and help us relax when we are working from home.
Pets can also make our homes feel more like a home, which is important for people who work from their homes all day long.
Interacting with animals has been shown to decrease levels of cortisol (a stress-related hormone) and lower blood pressure. Other studies have found that animals can reduce loneliness, increase feelings of social support, and boost your mood, says the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
They help us build a routine
Pets are great for building a daily routine and staying productive all day long. They help us to create a cycle that will make us feel more grounded and less distracted by other things in our lives.
Working from home is a great way to have more time for ourselves and our loved ones. But it can also be a challenge to stay productive. Pets are an excellent way to create a daily routine and keep us on track with our work.
They help us stay on track with our work by creating a cycle of feeding, walking, playing and sleeping that we need to follow every day. Having a routine can help you stay on track and get more done in less time.
A routine is an important part of any job, but it’s especially important when working from home. A good routine will help you maintain your productivity levels while also keeping your sanity!
Don’t forget that pets need routines just as much as humans do for a sense of calm and safety. An act as simple as refilling their food bowl at the same time every day is enough to make them feel comfortable in their living space.
Your Pets Love it too!
We all love our pets and want to show them all the affection we can. When we work from home and spend extra time with them compared to going into the office every day, they love it!
Working from home can be a rewarding lifestyle on many levels. You get to reap the benefits of independence, flexibility, and creativity all while saving on transportation costs and enjoying the company of your pet.
The truth is that pets thrive when they are with their humans. They need attention, affection, and love just like human beings do. If you want to be the best furry parent you can be, then allow them to be around you while you work from home.